Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Talking about eyebrows, bitches

That's right. Those things above your eyes? Yeah. Stop fucking with them.

First, if you don't know what you're doing, leave them alone. Eyebrows are finicky. If you don't understand the basics of brows, then leave it to the professionals.

Rule 1: You need brows. Brows frame the face, and can even aid in giving a faux-lift to the eye when done right.

This guy failed Rule 1.

Rule 2: Brows should not be over seen.

Looking at you ma'am. sir. Looking at you.

Rule 3: It's called tweezing, not plucking. You pluck a chicken. You tweeze brows. (Hence the tool, 'tweezers'). When tweezing, tweeze from underneath the brow. Do not tweeze above the brow, as you lose the shape. Brows have a natural arch to them. Depending on your face, the arch can be high or low. The arch should be just past the iris of your eye.

See those lines? Follow that guide, just like these celebrities:
  • Angelina Jolie
  • Anne Hathaway
  • Kim Kardashian (pseudo-celeb, but look at those damn brows!
  • Kate Hudson
  • Drew Barrymore
  • Cameron Diaz
  • Megan Fox
  • Scarlett Johanson
  • Brooke Sheilds
  • Sandra Bullock
There are more, just look around. All over the magazines, you can see what brows should look like. 

Rule 4: If you need to use a pencil, powder, brow tint or any combination of the three to get your brows to perfection, please do the world a favor, and do not color them on as if you used a sharpie.

See? She even looks like she's in pain.

All in all, if you're in doubt, suck it up, and pay the money to get them professionally done, then invest in a good pair of tweezers to maintain the shape.

...Just don't do what this girl did:

1 comment:

  1. Hahahahaha!! I love it!

    I can't stand when people don't know how to properly pluck their eyebrows either. Thanks for giving this guide to the sadly deformed and misinformed.
