Monday, August 20, 2012

The Fantasticks

This is a Broadway Production that lives up to it's name. This show is absolutely hilarious, especially when performed by people who know how to make a story come alive.

For this show, the most complicated thing I did was to give someone a Black Eye. This is an easy trick that takes 3 colors.

Boom. Black Eye.

To do this you'll need the following colors: Yellow, Burgundy/Wine, Red. That's it. It can be grease paint, or powder. Doesn't really matter.

I used a grease paint, as I didn't have a whole lot of time, and I knew that that would be the quickest way to get the coloring I wanted. I used a sponge, as it has multiple sides, and I was able to flip it over to work as fast as possible. (I had like 3 minutes to throw this on.)

First, I did the Red all around the affected area (which in this case is obviously his eye). Above the brow, and on the lid, as well as under the eye, and a little on the bridge of the nose.

Then using a clean side of the sponge, I put the yellow on just under the bruise. So basically along the cheek bone.

I grabbed a small synthetic hair brush to put the burgundy/wine color on underneath the lower lid (where "bags" would be), and to create some "scratches" over the brow.

It's really that simple. For the Red you can use a blush, or lipstick. Or you can use the Theatre Effects "Injury Stack" at, which has all the colors. Mostly available around Sept-Oct, but it's pretty cheap (like $2-3) so stock up.

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